Wordmark logos are logo designs that contain only the company’s name. These logo designs are devoid of any illustrated character or mascot, symbols, and images.


When you ask a graphic designer about logo designs, he or she will give you the names of different types of logo designs. So, why wordmark logo designs are ideal? GB Logo Design will tell you why.

Sparkles the brand’s name

Sparkles the brand’s name

Many brand owners turn their logo designs into graffiti in hopes of making them unique. Well, this is where they go a little wrong because a logo design which is full of symbolism and clip arts hardly leaves any scope for the brand’s name. This never happens in a wordmark logo as it always publicizes your company’s name with grace.



Logo design trends come and go but wordmark logos never lose their elegance. Logo designs might be successful and might not be – due to the usage of wrong colours, fonts, and images. But you can put your trust and money on wordmark logos as they are absolutely failproof and timeless .

Simple and Flexible

Simple and Flexible

Wordmark logos come second after lettermark logo designs in terms of simplicity and flexibility. They are easy and instant to make and can be used in various platforms without any hindrance.

Zero Plagiarism

Zero Plagiarism


Sadly, plagiarism happens in any creative work. Logo imitation is not a new thing and many fake products are sold under the logo of famous brands. Wordmark logos are immune to that because counterfeiters mostly prefer to copy an image or symbol than the brand’s name.


Whether you’re a startup owner or a business tycoon, a wordmark logo fits all. They ooze professionalism and finesse. Want a custom logo design? You can choose your favourite custom logo design package from our official website.