Logo Designs In UK: Top Brands That Use Optical Illusions In Their Logos

Optical illusions baffle the best of us. When we talk of optical illusions, it’s always more than what meets the eye. Did you know that most popular brands use optical illusions in their logo designs to make it more appealing and offbeat?


Since GB Logo Design is all about logos and graphics, here we present the names of some top brands that use optical illusions in their logo designs. So without wasting another moment, let’s take a brief look at those big brands’ logo designs, shall we?


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LG-Logo Designs In UK


We all love electronics by the brand, LG. LG is a reliable South-Korean multinational brand that has been selling electronic goods to consumers in the UK since ages. The logo design of LG is an interesting one. Upon close observation, we find two optical illusions – one is of the power button and the second resembles the smile of a happy client.






Toyota is a Japanese multinational automobile company that has been catering to the automotive needs of people in the UK for years. Almost a majority of us recognize Toyota’s logo design. So what optical illusion Toyota’s logo design is hiding? When you look deeply, you might see the entire name of the brand T-O-Y-O-T-A inside the circles.






Almost everyone has used courier services offered by FedEx once in their lifetime. FedEx is an American-based multinational delivery services provider that promises to deliver goods safely and on time. If you look properly into FedEx logo, you will find a white arrow that symbolizes speed and direction and this is exactly what FedEx claims. So, do you find this optical illusion cool? Reply in the comments section.






NBC is an American TV show channel that provides awesome programmes for the world to see. Since NBC is so amazing and loved, so is their logo design. NBC too has used an optical illusion in their logo. Can you catch that? Well, the different coloured leaves in NBC’s logo resemble feathers of a peacock.


So, which above-mentioned brands’ optical illusion you liked the most and why? Let us know in the comments section below.


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