Tag: Professional Logo Design UK

Logo Design [blog]

Why Startups Need A Logo To Ensure A Steady Growth


‘Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step’


This inspiring line aspires many young entrepreneurs to establish a business on their own. There indeed is a thrill to make something from the scratch, isn’t it? But having a unique identity and approach is what will make your business stand out from the swamp of other startups. A customized logo design is what can help you make it happen. Why having a unique identification is crucial? The number of startups booming these days is at least 5 times more than it used to be even before 5- 6 years ago.


The government financial support is certainly helpful, but your startup’s lifeline entirely depends upon your business idea, implementation, and strategy, which all starts with an impressionist logo design. As per statistics, only 3 out of 10 startups make it to its 2nd successful term. But thankfully, once you make through its third term, chances are sky high that you will make it through thick and thin in the upcoming years as well.


The startups that crack a unique idea have the chance to create a monopoly for the time being. But not everyone can do it. Thus, there are many startups that are offering same or similar products and services in the similar price range. Thereby, the business that will get more customers will outrun the others. Needless to say, a customized logo is most crucial for the startups that are yet to make any other impression in the minds of the target audience yet.


Even though paying for a customized logo even before making any profit might seem and is a little expensive, it is for the best benefit of your business. Many startups with good potential fail to make an impression as they often go for generic, free logos from any underrated site to save their money. But in reality, it’s not actually free, their business is eventually the one that pays the actual cost of the same.


Read more: Why you should stay away from cheap logo designs.


If you are a young entrepreneur too, you need to make your logo design speak for itself. Take a look at our portfolio, we have made numerous customized logo design for startups. So, invest in the right place will make sure of the maximum return on investment. After all, remember what every economist agrees, ‘no one makes millions by saving, but by investing right’


Logo Design [blog]

Power Of Logo Design In Business Diversification – Walt Disney Case Study

Diversification is one of the best strategies to expand the horizon of any business. The chain of restaurants and MNC achieve this by expanding their location. While several food and beverage industries often implement product and service diversification, to attain the same. Either way, their original logo design has significant contributions towards the same. Today, we will study the logo design adaptation of one such brand that adapted both these techniques.


The Walt Disney is a leading brand in the realm of mass media and entertainment but also owns the franchise of several characters and theme parks. Let’s take a look at the logo designs it uses for every domain.


Walt Disney decided to go with a simple wordmark type logo for its pioneer business the ‘Walt Disney Company’.



Walt Disney Animation Studio did the same. However, it also added the Mickey Mouse on top of it. Due to its trademark license, the Mickey Mouse is an intellectual property of the brand too. Eventually, all the other Walt Disney characters were registered as well.



Walt Disney Pictures is one of the most renowned logo design. The addition of the Disney castle makes it the perfect logo for a magical world. Later on, it was modified into an animated logo with a lot of fireworks.



Each of the Disneyland theme parks has a similar logo, with its name inserted along with the original ‘Disneyland’ logo. All of the theme parks, being the franchise of Walt Disney World, enjoy the perks of portraying the Walt Disney characters.



Disney Channel used the original Disney wordmark logo design along with the addition of the outline of Mickey Mouse Ears. It was mostly inspired by the pioneer of animated shows featured by the Disney Company, such as Mickey mouse clubhouse.


Disney XD, an upgraded Tv channel too used the original Disney with large icons of XD. This HD channel adapted the new trend, but kept the essence intact.



As it can be seen perfectly, the This original font of Disney has been used again and again in several other Disney segment brands. Needless to say, it is yet another perfect example of an ageless logo that shines throughout the time. You too can get a customized logo design that will carry your brand name. After all, the empire of Walt Disney started with a small studio too.

Logo Design [blog]

Stella Artois- A Classic Example Of An Ageless Logo


Whether it is small, medium or large, every organization has a logo design these days. Several aspects of successful business such as digital marketing are in trend only for a previous couple of decades. This often gives rise to a misconception that even logo design is a new thing. However, it is far from the truth.


Even though, statistically, the number of logo designs in the present time period is significant as compared to previous years in history. This is true only because, nowadays every organization is realizing its importance and adapting them. The history of logo design is age-old. Today, we will discuss a rather special logo of Stella Artois, a beverage company founded in Belgium.


The exact date of its corporate origin of this beer company is still a matter of argument, but the tax records indicate it to date back to the year 1366. the business name Stella Artois is named after the Christmas star and as it clearly indicates, it was first launched as a seasonal beverage, available only during winters. By the time of post World War 2, the popularity of the brand was so hyped that it became a year-round beverage. Moreover, it was exported to European markets as well due to its significant commercial success.


The logo of the brand is a wordmark type logo. The color red is most prominent in the logo, evoking the sense of urgency. The color golden yellows add a hint of sophistication to the logo. The logo also comprises of an icon of the horn, geometrically mirrored floral design and the date of the year of its foundation.


Several managerial transfers have been observed within the organizational structure of Stella Artois, but the essence of the original logo has been kept intact, along with the packaging. This clearly shows the powerful impact the original logo has. This is clearly a classic example of an ageless logo.


Nowadays, several famous beer brands established a decent presence globally. However, the market position of Stella Artois is still going strong. The logo design instantly evokes the sense of familiarity and trust among the consumers, even though they are a little tipsy, or a lot.


You want an ageless logo for your business as well? Order your custom logo design online with us and make it happen.


Logo Design [blog]

How GB Logo Design Delivers Customized Logo To Every Client


The need for a customized logo design is compulsory for any business these days. Many naive designers find this as an opportunity to earn a profit and thereby establish a designing firm on their own. They often offer logo designs at an extremely cheap price. This attracts several clients, but soon after getting the final files, they see the reality.


Designing a logo is not just the ability to draw shapes and texts on a high-tech driven software. It is a rather long, detailed process to create the singular visual identity of a business. GB Logo Design is all dedicated to design and deliver the perfect customized logo for your business. Let’s explain in details our process for delivering the best logo for you.


When you communicate with us, for a logo, we offer you various packages for the same. These packages offer a different number of logo options that we provide. These included options of 2, 4 and 6 logo options. However, we provide unlimited edits to each of the logo packages, to ensure that the clients receive the perfect logo from us.

(Read more- 6 awesome logo design options for Wildlife photography by GB logo design)


Our online forum collects several crucial information regarding the logo and the business. It includes the nature of the business, what features they are looking for and a sample recommendation if any. We also offer recommendations of our own for the client to pick, in case they are not very familiar of the concept with the logo design.


Our designers do a thorough research on what kind of would look perfect for the particular client. For example, a wordmark logo would look better for a new business as it will help to acquire more attention. Similarly, a lettermark logo will be more appropriate for the businesses with a huge name and so on. Our designers carefully pick the fonts and colors as well.


Often the options we provide comprises of various logotypes for the client to have a clear picture of different types before picking the final one. Moreover, the unlimited edits are provided from our end till the time the clients give us a green signal for dispatch.


Our clientele comprise of a wide range of business backgrounds. Needless to say, our area of expertise is diversified as well. Our clients often keep coming back to us for any other relevant work as well. We are all dedicated to providing quality custom logo designed to our clientele.


Logo Design [blog]

Custom Logo Design For Fitness Centers


“So many people spend their health to gaining wealth and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health”


As A.J. Reb Materi once said, treasuring health should be a priority because if it is too late, no wealth can buy it back.


The number of individuals suffering from mental and physical challenges is increasing day by day, all over the world. As we recently observed the International Yoga Day, we present 6 custom logo designs done by the house of GB Logo Design for businesses thriving to make and keep people healthy and fit.


(Read moreAmazing logo design options for security service provider)


1. Practical Yoga


The logo of Practical Yoga is self-explanatory. The logo comprises of the icon of a woman stretching hands and feet in a basic yoga pose. It is painted in three colors namely, red, orange and white. The colors evoke awareness, calming effect and peace respectively. A simple and practical logo for a business well suited!


2. Reallife Fitness


The logo for this bodybuilding gym is a rather simple one. The logo comprised of the business name threaded along with a barbell. Even though it is made with extremely simple icons, the logo is self-explanatory and stands alone among the competitors.


3. Empower


The business of Empower thrives to boost fitness and rehabilitation to people out there. The logo comprises of an icon of heart, with a heartbeat, encircled by a continuous circle depicting the never-ending circle of life. The logo is painted with pink color, which evokes care, compassion, and love, making it prioritizes health.


4. M3 Fitness


The name of this fitness center is interesting and surely we had to deliver an equally interesting logo as well. The logo we delivered was wisely created with a simple icon of a man and the letters ‘m3’. Note the 3 has been blended perfectly with the human icon to give it the look of an arm and a limb, mimicking motions while running.


5. MK Fitness


The MK fitness center is dedicated to the people who love to shape their body in a great way. As people need to work hard using gym equipment a lot in order to get such great bodies, we went with the icon of a kettlebell for the logo. The choice of dumbbell was considered as well, but it is the first choice of an icon for a lot of fitness centers as well, so kettlebell suited more.


6. MW Holmes


Not every fitness center helps to build biceps and abs. The MW Holmes is a fitness and therapy center that helps the people to resume a normal healthy life ahead. The elements of hearts and sapling, painted in pink and green depicts the emotions of care and wellbeing.


Are you dedicated to enhancing health and well-being of people through fitness centers as well? Get your very own custom logo design and boost your enthusiasm even more.


Logo Design [blog]

Amazing Custom Logo Design Options For Wildlife Photography Business In UK


Flexibility comes from having multiple choices; wisdom comes from having multiple perspectives

– Robert Dilts


As Robert Dilts has rightly said often having choices is the ultimate luxury you can get. We, at the house of GB Logo Design, offer multiple option package for any custom logo design. Today, let’s go through the logo options we designed for a rather special business- Neil Neville Photography.


We have previously designed several custom photography logo designs from time to time, but this one was kind of a special project. Our client Neil is an enthusiast, wildlife photographer and needed a logo for his business. It was crucial for us to deliver the perfect logo that speaks for itself. We came up with 6 logo options that we offered to our client.


We used three animals- white-tailed deer, snowy owl, and kingfisher bird, each having 2 different poses as each logo option. To enhance the effect the all the logos were painted in white against the black background.




A simple, close up the outline of the head of a white-tailed deer. It conveys that sometimes you are lucky enough get a close shot of these beautiful creatures.




The silhouette of the deer against a white moon background depicts that there is no particular time to get a perfect shot.




A logo resembling a shot taken from below of a mighty own flying.




From the exact opposite perspective of the previous option.




A sketch of a Kingfisher while seating on a branch, ready for a flight




A sketch of the same majestic bird in flight.


All the logos were made as logo lockup with an image of a splendid wildlife creature along with the entire business name. In a nutshell, the logo options were designed to make it a stand-alone the crowd of other photography business.


Our client was happy with the options we had offered. After changing his mind many times, finally, he settled for the top view of owl logo option.


At the house of GB Logo Design, we offer logo design with 2, 4 and 6 options packages with unlimited revisions to each one. So, get on-board with us to explore wide possibilities.


Logo Design [blog]

Do NGOs need a logo too in order to have success stories?


‘Survival of the fittest’ is a well-known theory proposed by Charles Darwin with respect to evolution and survival strategy on the Earth. However, it holds true for the businesses these days too. Thus, it is crucial for every business to own a customized logo, which differentiate a particular business from the other. In a short run, it creates a unique, singular identity, but in a long run, it helps the business to gain brand loyalty, and eventually profit.


However, not every organization exists for earning a profit. There are several organizations which dedicate towards bigger causes, such as contributing towards a better environment, society, education, healthcare, and other aspects. These organizations are known as Non-Government/ Profit Organizations. There are many numerous, NGOs these days. Some are more successful than others, due to several factors, and a customized logo is one of such factors.


There is a reason why every educated and aware individual is familiar with NGOs like Red cross society, Green Peace, Unicef etc. These Ngo began with a strong vision and in a single location and later spread on a global scale. The success stories of these organizations often inspire others to contribute as well. However, they fail to realize that a customized logo is the most noticeable factor and slip it all together.


The funding of an NGO is a very crucial factor that determines up to what extent it can fulfill its objectives. In order to make this entire funding, often it requires grants and donations from able individuals, corporates, and people. None of them are likely to contribute if an NGO fails to make a good first impression.


Having an appropriate business name and a suitable logo often does the same, most effectively. Just like corporate logos, having a personalized logo clears away many hurdles in the path of its success. And thereby, it is important to keep updating it from time to time, in order to keep with the pace of the fast-changing world. It is often seen when an NGO expands either in terms of its domain or even geographic territory.


Are you operating or contributing towards any particular NGO that is dedicated to making this world a better place? Is your NGO delivering its cause to all the potential people out there? Get a customized logo by getting on board with GB logo design.

Logo Design [blog]

Client’s Guide On How To Copyright Or Trademark A Logo


A business logo is the face of the company that represents it to the world. Now several businesses fail to understand its importance and as a result, settle for a generic logo. These logos might seem like a good idea at first as they cost less than a cup of coffee. However, later, does more damage than good.


Let’s understand how crucial it is to get full ownership and how to get it in details.


The generic logo design does not guarantee of its uniqueness or its singularity. Thereby, it makes it almost impossible to gain a license or ownership of the same. On the other hand, having a customized logo opens the doorway to acquire legal ownership of the logo.


Just like any other intellectual property, a customized logo can be filled for acquiring copyright. This ensures that the logo remains the property of a sole organization. It also protects it from, the possibilities of theft and illegal use by other organizations.


The first crucial decision is to ensure that entities are required to get ownership for, the logo alone or the business name as well. Then comes the turn of the customized logo. Getting one from a reliable logo designing company is advised to ensure that it has some creativity in it, to ensure its creativity.


There are two kinds of legal protections that are provided, namely, the trademark and the copyright, depending upon the type of the logo. However, for some logos, both of them can be registered simultaneously to ensures its full ownership. Another important aspect is to ensure the freelance designer or the designing firm agrees to the contract that they are working on the basis of hire, and thereby, do not demand ownership of the logo in the future.


As a final word of advice, the first and the foremost thing that is required before even considering logo ownership is obviously getting a customized logo. Even though, simplicity is what often desired in logo designs, having too much naive and a basic design has high chances that something similar already exists. However, that drive should end up getting a logo that looks like an icon of a futurist sci-fi movie either.


The house of GB logo design, ensure 100 percent original, creative and customized descent logo for each of its clients, which can be easily registered for the copyright and trademark. So, get on board to get a perfect logo for your business.

Logo Design [blog]

Amazing Lettermark Logos That Instantly Speaks For Itself


There are a variety of customized logo designs that are ruling the realm of logo designing these days. However, there are 4 main types of the logo design. Each has its own set of advantages and scope. Today, we are going to elaborate one specific type of logo, namely the lettermark logo.


The lettermark logo uses the initial acronym of the business, instead of the entire name. It is particularly helpful for businesses with lengthy or complicated names. Here we present a few examples of customized lettermark logo designs that have been designed and delivered by GB Logo Designs.


1. Accident Information Center

The logo for AIC (Accident Information Center) is a simple and appropriate one as it represents the business that offers help and support during the hours of duress. The logo has been designed by using a silhouette of a horse that represents promptness and alertness that the business ideally commits. The color blue furthermore represents faith, dedication, trust, and wisdom.


2. Daniel Jones Personal Trainer

The logo for this particular client was designed to match his needs. The initials of the Daniel Jones have been highlighted in the logo along with icons of two dumbbells and weight-lifting equipment. The logo is painted in ombre colors of orange, which represents emotions like determination, enthusiasm, encouragement etc, which closely relates to bodybuilding.


3. Adam Brown Tennis Academy

The logo of this academic organization has been designed very cleverly with the initials A and B are overlapped, one top of the other. The letter A also mimics the net and the letter B encapsulates a small icon of tennis bat. Overall, it is a logo that speaks of its business in minute details.


4. Earth, Wind and Fire Consulting

There is no such thing as ‘one solution fits it all’ and the Earth, Wind, and Fire consulting agency know it all. Thereby, it promises to go any length in every domain to deliver the best solution. The logo of this business bears the initial of all its three elements ‘e, w and f’ in broken letters. A perfect logo for a perfect business.


5. Eighteen Sixty

Who says the initial can only work for words and letters? It comes handy for large numbers as well. The logo for this particular business is quite simple and yet effective as it uses the numerical numbers 1860 in broken letters. It saves a lot of space and makes sit easy to bear in mind.


Does your business name also sound like a long monarch family name? Get it trimmed and groomed into a customized lettermark logo design by taking a step towards GB logo design.