Tag: Logo Design Packages UK

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK
Logo Design

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK

Most common folks cannot design an appropriate logo design for any brand or company as designing professional logos is not an easy task. Remember that all great logo designs are most likely to be simple, memorable, and unique at the same time. Since a well-designed logo is meant to be the face of your brand across all marketing platforms, you might need to hire a professional logo design service in the UK to get the desired outcome. For example, at GB Logo Design, highly professional and expert designers have the skill to design a logo that can instill confidence and be trustworthy in front of your target audience.

Now, let’s explore some pros of seeking help from a professional logo design service in the UK

A logo with a professional look:

Remember that the first impressions last for a long time. Amidst the ever-growing market with thousands of brands surfacing in the limelight each day, it really requires a good logo to hook potential customers to your brand just in the first few seconds. The colour, font, size, and style come together to represent your brand to the audience. So, hiring a professional logo design company in the UK gives you peace of mind as you get the best design and look of a logo. Besides, they are able to perfectly incorporate the key message of your brand in the logo to connect with your customers.

Professional Logo


A logo with proper concept and strategy:

The main aim of designing a logo for your brand or company is to create massive brand awareness. Besides, a logo should be used as a tool to increase visibility and raise the credibility of a particular brand. Therefore, it is preferable to hire a professional logo design company in the UK that understands your brand and portrays the philosophy of your business. Note that every business has certain images that are mainly related to a specific industry and professional logo designers use them to their advantage to stand above the market competition. This very strategy behind designing the logo is to make it unique and memorable as well.

Concept and Strategy logo

A logo that catches customers’ attention:

There are two types of attention – the good one and the bad one. Like all brands, your brand also needs the attention that is positive. Hence, a professionally-designed good logo with proper meaning and a perfect explanation of the brand and tagline is imperative for your brand. In short, there is the only way to get a logo so good and attractive is when it is professionally designed and sticks in the customer’s mind, and endorses completely.

Attention logo

So, make sure that you hire a professional logo design company in the UK when it comes to the good impression and reputation of your brand in the market.

Logo Design
Logo Design

The Function Of Logo Design To Develop A Corporate Identity

A logo is better known as a visual depiction of branding and a typical graphic symbol of your brand identity. An amazing logo design recognizes the brand and gets it registered in the mindset of the target audience. Investing time and money in making a creative logo design ensures an attractive appearance that provides cohesion and consistency to your brand or company. However, that is the power of a robust logo design for the development of your brand identity. Let GB Logo Design, a reputed and highly Professional Logo Design agency in the UK discuss the indispensable function of a logo design for building brand awareness.

Grabs attention:

An eye-catching logo can quickly grab the attention of the viewers and communicate a company’s core values in a totally unique and interesting way. That short attention span – the one that causes the audience to judge your business by its appearance, can work to your advantage if you have a dynamic logo design to speak on behalf of your company.

Grabs Attention

Creates strong first impression:

If you are a business owner, you must know that a logo is a company’s first introduction to the target audience. If designed perfectly, a logo can pique the interest of consumers and invite them to learn more about the brand or company. However, this first impression is your way to immediately communicate ownership over the products you sell.

First Impression

Considered being the foundation of brand identity:

Did you know that successful branding is all about telling a story that will influence the emotions of the audience? And, also it is true that a well-designed logo is not only a part of a company’s brand, but it serves as the foundation for the entire narrative on which the brand is built upon.

Brand Identity

Separates from contemporaries:

Note that your brand should be different from your logo because your company logo tells the audience why your business is unique and special. In a nutshell, it can be said that your logo is an outstanding forum to both convey your values and show the target audience why you are not like your competitors and why you are better.


So, as you can see, you need a logo, it is a crucial part of building a successful business and brand. However, designing a professional logo design does not need to be complicated, so to avoid confusion, contact a Professional Logo Design agency in the UK.

Logo Design

Importance Of Having A Good Logo In Restaurant Businesses

The logo is a representation of a brand. It conveys the brand message and acts as a symbol of a particular brand in order to introduce it in the marketplace. Therefore, if you have an appropriate logo design for your restaurant, it can play the most vital role in the branding and marketing of your restaurant. Thus, in turn, a good logo design helps to create a band of loyal customers for a restaurant business. However, this blog penned by the professionals of GB Logo Design which makes professional logo designs in the UK will discuss the importance of a good logo design, especially in restaurant businesses.

Creates a brand identity for the restaurant

Creates a brand identity for the restaurant

Remember, a logo design is the best way to reinforce the brand identity. And, when it comes to brand visibility, a logo design helps you to connect with all your potential customers out there. Logos play a critical role in impacting customers’ choices while ordering food.

It can sum up the motto of your restaurant

When you think of a name for your restaurant, it will be something that is suitable for your business. Likewise, when it comes to a logo for your restaurant, it must match the motto of your restaurant so that it can sum up your restaurant via its visual representation. Once customers get to know the story about your restaurant, they will be able to relate to it more, and it will bring them much closer to your restaurant.

Grabs the attention of the potential customers

One of the most vital tasks a restaurant logo design does is that it attracts the attention of the customers. Since human beings are highly visual, an interesting restaurant logo design somehow manages to seize the observation. For that, a logo design has to be impressive and it must convey the concept and service of a restaurant.

Makes a restaurant memorable among the folks

People are seen to familiarize a restaurant with the help of its logo. This is because it is a basic human tendency that people easily remember what they see instead of what they read. A logo gives the customers a helpful piece of information to recall the restaurant in the future.

However, these are some primary reasons why a restaurant logo is so important. Therefore, consider getting your restaurant logo professionally designed by a highly skilled logo maker. Check out the best Logo Design Packages in the UK.

Designing Brand Logos
Logo Design

5 Mistakes That Are Usually Done While Designing Brand Logos

The easiest approach to identify a brand and also differentiate that from the others is by its logo design. A brand communicates and moreover, conveys its message clearly via its logo design. Hence, the importance of a decent and appropriate logo design is not unknown to anyone these days. Keeping this in mind, below, GB Logo Design, being the most recommended stationery logo design service will discuss 5 common logo design mistakes that you must avoid if you want to turn out a successful and professional logo design for a brand or company.

Creating the logo design by an amateur

Often business or brand owners invest a lot of money in various sections of the business, but they do not feel it necessary to invest a certain amount of capital in creating a professional logo design. There are a lot of business owners who rely on amateur logo designers instead of making it done by a professional logo designer. As a result, the logo design that is made by an amateur designer with not so experienced work record looks amateurish. And, eventually, the business that has an amateurish logo design seems amateurish and unprofessional to the target audience.

Going with trendy designs

Another logo designing mistake that many logo designers make is to go with trendy designs. Remember, trends come and go, and after some time, becomes a cliché. But a timeless classic logo design remains for ages and promotes the brand agelessly.

Designing with personal preferences

Many logo designers tend to opt for his/her own personal preferences rather than paying attention to the client’s requirements. It is absolutely wrong and unprofessional. A professional logo designer always gives importance to the demands of the clients and makes the logo designs just as the clients want.

Making the design overly complex

A majority of people these days lose interest in a brand apparently if its logo design is overly complex without any reason. A complex logo design generates nothing but confusion and it lacks details about the brand.

Bad selection of fonts

Selecting the right fonts is very much vital for a logo design. The poor selection of fonts can ruin the overall look of a logo design. Together with this, applying so many fonts in a single logo design seems like trying to show someone the whole creativity at once, and they end up looking clumsy altogether.

We being the best custom logo design services in the UK recommend using a maximum of two fonts in a single logo design.

After estimating the aforementioned 5 mistakes, it is very much clear that a brand logo design always needs to be done by a professional logo designer. Visit GB Logo Design if you are searching for a renowned custom logo designing firm. We provide the best logo design packages in the UK.

gb logo design
Logo Design

Which Is Better for Your Business: Wordmark Logo or Monogram Logo?

Have you started a new business or you are going to start one? Then you must be trying to choose your new logo design. Most people become confused while trying to choose the perfect logo design. Whether a monogram logo will suit your business or a wordmark logo, the answer to that is quite complicated. But GB logo design in the UK is here to help you come up with a good decision for your business logo.


Let us first take a look at what these types of logo designs are.

Monogram Logo Design

If you don’t know what a monogram logo is, it is basically a logo design consisting of two to three letters or numbers. If you want your logo design to be a symbol of your business name, this logo will be perfect for you. Monogram logos are mostly for those who have complicated or quite lengthy business names. With a monogram logo, it becomes easily recognizable. With a monogram logo design, even your complicated business name will look quite simple and easily memorable.


Wordmark Logo Design

If your business name is very simple and quite short, this logo design is perfect for you. A wordmark logo design is basically a typeface-based logo design that only focuses on the business name. This type of logo design is often classified as timeless, especially if the type is very well designed. You can use this type of logo to create customized typography to establish your brand.

But how will you know which type of logo design is perfect for your name? We can help you with that too. If your business has the following you can go for a monogram logo design:

1. Does your business name have more than two-word names?
2. Does your business name consist of more than three words?
3. Is your business located physically in your locality or the industry you are working in?
4. Is your business name quite complicated?
5. Will you use your logo design on various platforms as convenient as you feel?
6. Will abbreviation make sense if you use it in your logo design?

If the answer to most of these questions is positive, then a monogram logo design is the best for you.

On the other hand, if the answers to the given below questions are positive, then wordmark logo design is perfect for your business.

1. Is your business quite new?
2. Does your business name contain no more than two words?
3. Is your business name quite catchy?
4. Is your business name distinct and recognizable from your competitors?
5. Are you going to use your logo design for various platforms?

With these questions, you will be able to choose the perfect type of logo design for your business. If you need further help, GB logo design in the UK is always here to help you choose and design the perfect logo design to your satisfaction.

Welcome to GB Logo Design’s blog page! As you all know by now that GB Logo Design in UK has been considered one of the best  logo design companies in the UK . Since we are such an experienced graphic design firm, we thought of telling you now about some common types of logo designs so that next time when you order a logo design online, you know what you want.


In today’s blog, we are about to provide you with a brief guide on different types of logo designs available in the UK market. So, without adding any more words, let’s get started.


Lettermark or Monogram logo designs


Lettermark or Monogram logo designs- GB Logo Design UK


This is one of the most widely found logo design. In a lettermark or monogram logo, we use the respective brand’s initials. Monogram logo designs are highly preferred by a number of brands as they are easy to use and made with utmost simplicity.


Popular Lettermark or Monogram Logo Examples: HBO, CNN, ESPN, and so on.


Wordmark logo designs


Wordmark logo designs-GB Logo Design UK


As the name suggests, wordmark logo designs contain words, in this case, the company’s name. Since wordmark logo designs have the business’ name, it becomes more recognisable among the target audience.


Popular Wordmark Logo Examples: Coca-cola, Google, Calvin Klein, and so on.


Pictorial logo designs


Pictorial logo designs-GB Logo Design UK


Pictorial logo designs are icon or graphics-based logo designs. Such logo designs make a huge impact on your target audience as it makes your brand look enigmatic and worthy of attention.


Popular Pictorial Logo Examples: Twitter, Apple, Shell, and so on.


Abstract logo designs


Abstract logo designs-Different Types Of Logo Designs


Abstract logo designs are gaining extreme popularity in the graphic design(http://www.gblogodesign.co.uk/graphic-design/) industry. An abstract logo is similar to a pictorial logo but the former has a concept. However, in abstract logo designs, a recognisable image is not used.


Popular Abstract Logo Examples: Nike, Adidas, Pepsi, and so on.


Mascot logo designs


Mascot logo designs UK


Mascot logo designs are a perfect way to make your business more popular among the young audience. A mascot logo design is a logo that contains an illustrated character to represent your business.


Popular Mascot Logo Examples: KFC, Pillsbury, Mr Muscle, and so on.


So, which logo design do you want for your business? Let  GB Logo Design in the UK know! Get logo design at affordable prices in the UK from our house!

A Brief Guide On Different Types Of Logo Designs

5 Benefits Of Letterheads That Glorify Your Business Letters
Logo Design [blog]

5 Benefits Of Letterheads That Glorify Your Business Letters

Letterheads are a vital part of corporate stationery items. A letterhead is a designed heading on the topmost portion of your business papers. On a letterhead, you generally find vital information about the business, like the company’s name, address, contact details, and logo design (check out best logo design packages in the UK). Letterheads are used for all the documents and letters you create and need to send for business purposes. No matter how small or big your company or business is, you need quality letterhead designs for sending official documents to the clients and employees.

Even in this digital world, letterheads have continued to be used in corporations. You can easily get affordable letterhead designs from GB Logo Design, the premium letterhead and logo design company in the UK. As a business or company’s owner, you must know the importance of letterheads that are so underrated. In today’s blog, we will discuss 5 benefits of letterheads that glorify your business letters.

Hardcore professionalism

Professionalism is the key to a successful business. Letterheads are downright professional and make you stand apart from your competitors. Almost all business letters come with letterheads so letterheads are no longer a luxury but a sheer necessity.

Excellent marketing tool

In today’s world, nothing works without marketing and advertising. Letterheads are a free marketing tool that helps in brand recognition. Each and every business is taking advantage of different marketing techniques and one of them is using sophisticated letterhead designs to let people know about your brand.

Easy communication

You can’t expect your clients to come to your office for discussing minor queries that could have easily communicated via phone or video call. Letterheads carry your business contact information, like phone number, skype and email id so that your clients can reach out to you without visiting your office.

Strong first impression

Since letterheads look professional, they create a strong image of the brand which is advantageous for small and medium-sized enterprises.


The biggest advantage of letterheads is their low price. At GB Logo Design, you get high-quality letterhead designs starting £50 only which is absolutely affordable given the undue advantages of this type of business stationery.

Buy unique and attractive letterhead designs from GB Logo Design, the renowned corporate stationery design services provider in the UK.