Tag: Businesses Logo Design UK

Logo Design UK
Logo Design [blog]

10 Things To Look For While Hiring A Logo Design Company In The UK

Every small to large business, in today’s era, vividly depends on digitalization to reach a great number of people. Even, with the help of digital marketing, it has been way easier to grab the attention of a wider audience. However, in effective digital marketing, business logos play a vital role. But having an appropriate business logo design is not an easy task as it sounds. However, the process of getting a great logo design depends upon your choice of a logo design company in the UK. As a business owner, you might have a great concept for your brand logo design but its proper execution should also be given to the hands of a professional logo designer.

So, when hiring a logo design company in the UK, there are several important factors to consider to ensure that you choose a reputable and competent logo designer. Here are 10 important things to look for –

  1. Portfolio and Experience: Reviewing the company’s portfolio to assess the quality and style of their previous work is very much important. Look for diversity in their designs and whether they align with your aesthetic preferences. Consider their experience in the industry of logo design in the UK and also, if they have successfully completed projects similar to yours.
  2. Reputation and Reviews: Research the logo design company’s reputation by reading online reviews and testimonials from their past clientele. Check popular review platforms, social media, and their website for genuine feedback. Positive reviews and a good reputation indicate that it is a reliable and trustworthy company to hire for designing your brand logo.
  3. Expertise and Creativity: Before you hire one, ensure that the company has a team of skilled and creative logo designers. They should have a solid understanding of design principles, typography, colour theory, and branding. Look for companies that can bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table.
  4. Ability of Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is crucial throughout the process of designing a brand logo. Therefore, look for a company that is responsive, listens to your ideas and requirements, and communicates clearly. They should be willing to collaborate with you to ensure your vision is understood and implemented effectively.
  5. Customization and Originality: A good logo design company in the UK should prioritize creating unique and customized logos for each client. So, avoid companies that rely heavily on pre-designed templates. Remember that your business logo should be distinctive and tailored specifically to your brand or company.
  6. Client Involvement and Feedback: A reputable company will involve you in the design process and seek your feedback at various stages of design. Besides, they should be open to revisions and willing to make changes based on your input. Transparency and client involvement are essential for achieving a satisfactory end result.
  7. Timelines and Deliverables: Discuss the expected timelines and deliverables with the company before hiring them. They should provide you with a clear project timeline, including milestones and delivery dates. Ensure they can meet your deadlines and are committed to delivering the final logo files in the required formats.
  8. Pricing and Budget: While price should never be the sole determining factor, it is way more important to consider your budget. Request quotes or pricing information from different companies and compare them. Beware of extremely low-cost options that may compromise the quality or professionalism of the work.
  9. Ownership and Logo Rights: Discuss the ownership and rights of the final logo design. Ensure that you will have full copyright and usage rights to the logo once it is completed and handed over. A professional logo design company in the UK should be transparent about these aspects and provide you with the necessary legal documentation in the end.
  10. Additional Services: Consider if the logo design company offers any additional services that could benefit your brand or company. For example, do they provide brand identity development, stationery design, or website design? Having a one-stop solution for your design needs can streamline the process and maintain consistency across your brand.

By evaluating these 10 important factors, be careful while hiring a logo design company that aligns with your needs and expectations for your brand in the UK.

Logo Design UK
Logo Design

What To Consider When Creating A Brand Logo Design?

Brands or companies all over the globe, need to fight harder to be ahead of their contemporaries in the market. For that, professional brands or companies tend to apply suitable marketing tactics to target significant groups of customers. But did you know that a professional logo design plays a vital role in branding any small to large businesses in the UK? So, it is way more essential to take the importance of a brand logo design into serious consideration. It is not just a piece of creative work, rather, it is bigger than it! Therefore, while creating a brand logo design, a logo design expert in UK must consider some basic points like –

Researching the client’s business:

Before you start working on a brand logo, you must research your client’s business thoroughly. This is because you are designing that logo for your client’s business and not for yourself. So, it would not be easier for you to pick the proper font and color for your brand logo if you are not aware of the target audience of the brand. So, avoid designing a brand logo directionless and research the market of the brand you are working for at the very beginning.

Avoid rushing behind the trends:

Amateur or not-so-professional logo designers who often provide logo design services in UK tend to follow the trends of logo design. If you do the same, probably, you will fail miserably to impress your client. Logo designs should never rely on trends. Trends come and go but what remains is the class. So, while you design a brand logo, maintain the class and make it timeless which can last for decades.

Taking scalability into consideration:

A business logo is used in a number of various platforms like social media handles, business cards, banners, and more. So, when you make a brand logo design, make sure that it does not lose its sense of proportion. A business logo should be versatile so that it can be used on small to large things. Make it proportionate and scalable from each and every angle to look properly and become visible clearly.

Do you want to know more about the major considerations of logo design and make your brand logo stand out in the crowd of your competitors? Visit any renowned logo design services in UK. Otherwise, you can also get your business logo designed by the experts at GB Logo Design.

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK
Logo Design

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK

Most common folks cannot design an appropriate logo design for any brand or company as designing professional logos is not an easy task. Remember that all great logo designs are most likely to be simple, memorable, and unique at the same time. Since a well-designed logo is meant to be the face of your brand across all marketing platforms, you might need to hire a professional logo design service in the UK to get the desired outcome. For example, at GB Logo Design, highly professional and expert designers have the skill to design a logo that can instill confidence and be trustworthy in front of your target audience.

Now, let’s explore some pros of seeking help from a professional logo design service in the UK

A logo with a professional look:

Remember that the first impressions last for a long time. Amidst the ever-growing market with thousands of brands surfacing in the limelight each day, it really requires a good logo to hook potential customers to your brand just in the first few seconds. The colour, font, size, and style come together to represent your brand to the audience. So, hiring a professional logo design company in the UK gives you peace of mind as you get the best design and look of a logo. Besides, they are able to perfectly incorporate the key message of your brand in the logo to connect with your customers.

Professional Logo


A logo with proper concept and strategy:

The main aim of designing a logo for your brand or company is to create massive brand awareness. Besides, a logo should be used as a tool to increase visibility and raise the credibility of a particular brand. Therefore, it is preferable to hire a professional logo design company in the UK that understands your brand and portrays the philosophy of your business. Note that every business has certain images that are mainly related to a specific industry and professional logo designers use them to their advantage to stand above the market competition. This very strategy behind designing the logo is to make it unique and memorable as well.

Concept and Strategy logo

A logo that catches customers’ attention:

There are two types of attention – the good one and the bad one. Like all brands, your brand also needs the attention that is positive. Hence, a professionally-designed good logo with proper meaning and a perfect explanation of the brand and tagline is imperative for your brand. In short, there is the only way to get a logo so good and attractive is when it is professionally designed and sticks in the customer’s mind, and endorses completely.

Attention logo

So, make sure that you hire a professional logo design company in the UK when it comes to the good impression and reputation of your brand in the market.

Logo Design UK
Logo Design [blog]

How GB Logo Design Has Transformed The Image Of Businesses In The UK

For any business, image and the relationship with the clients or customers matter the most. Every business tries hard to maintain a good impression of his or her business. A logo design is a primary part of branding any business. GB Logo Design understands that very well and hence, our entire team of graphic designers and managers work really hard to provide you with a good logo designing experience.


In today’s blog, we will highlight the experiences of some of our customers and how we helped them brand their business the right way.



Mrs Jones: “I run a small bakery shop where I sell delicious homemade bakery treats to the people in my neighbourhood. I’m an old woman so I do not understand this graphic designing and business branding much. I never thought of opting for a logo design or anything like that but my grandchildren wanted my business to reach the eyes of everyone in the UK. They were planning to develop a website for my cakes and bakes but I advised them that we should get it done from a professional as it will have a permanent impact on our business. So, we came across GB Logo Design, my granddaughter consulted their manager and the website developer and within a couple of days, our website was developed from scratch and made active. We also take their graphic designing services frequently. They have completely transformed the image of my bakery. Thanks to them, my homemade bakery looks more professional now”.



Phil Brown: “I run a successful steak shop since four years. In previous years, there was not much demand for logos and internet marketing. But with changing times, I had to transform and grow my business. I am a complete novice to logos and website designing . So, I wanted someone who would guide me instead of misguide me and that’s when I found GB Logo Design. The designers understand what you want and try their best to execute them. I am a big fan of this firm and I’ll again take their services in the future”.



Susan Rodriguez: “I am a proud owner of a flower shop. Be it roses, lilies, peonies, gerberas, I have everything for my sweet customers. I wanted a fantastic logo design and signboard for my flower shop and I got them at a much lower price from GB Logo Design. I got exactly what I wanted and that too without visiting them. So, yes, I can conclude that they helped in branding my business at a lower cost”.



Mr. Tom Williams: “Have used this company for the 2nd time past 6 years and happy to report a very positive experience. I had requested a copy of my logo to be redone in another file format which was carried out promptly for a minimal fee. The original logo was designed by GB and I am very pleased with the design. Can only highly recommend GB Logos!!”


Do you want to brand your business? Get in touch with GB Logo Design, the firm that offers professional and custom logo designs and graphic design services in the UK. We also provide stationery design services so that you get amazing corporate stationeries that too within a minimum price.


Before leaving, do check out our logo design packages, tailor-made for business owners in the UK.