Tag: Best Logo Design UK

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK
Logo Design

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK

Most common folks cannot design an appropriate logo design for any brand or company as designing professional logos is not an easy task. Remember that all great logo designs are most likely to be simple, memorable, and unique at the same time. Since a well-designed logo is meant to be the face of your brand across all marketing platforms, you might need to hire a professional logo design service in the UK to get the desired outcome. For example, at GB Logo Design, highly professional and expert designers have the skill to design a logo that can instill confidence and be trustworthy in front of your target audience.

Now, let’s explore some pros of seeking help from a professional logo design service in the UK

A logo with a professional look:

Remember that the first impressions last for a long time. Amidst the ever-growing market with thousands of brands surfacing in the limelight each day, it really requires a good logo to hook potential customers to your brand just in the first few seconds. The colour, font, size, and style come together to represent your brand to the audience. So, hiring a professional logo design company in the UK gives you peace of mind as you get the best design and look of a logo. Besides, they are able to perfectly incorporate the key message of your brand in the logo to connect with your customers.

Professional Logo


A logo with proper concept and strategy:

The main aim of designing a logo for your brand or company is to create massive brand awareness. Besides, a logo should be used as a tool to increase visibility and raise the credibility of a particular brand. Therefore, it is preferable to hire a professional logo design company in the UK that understands your brand and portrays the philosophy of your business. Note that every business has certain images that are mainly related to a specific industry and professional logo designers use them to their advantage to stand above the market competition. This very strategy behind designing the logo is to make it unique and memorable as well.

Concept and Strategy logo

A logo that catches customers’ attention:

There are two types of attention – the good one and the bad one. Like all brands, your brand also needs the attention that is positive. Hence, a professionally-designed good logo with proper meaning and a perfect explanation of the brand and tagline is imperative for your brand. In short, there is the only way to get a logo so good and attractive is when it is professionally designed and sticks in the customer’s mind, and endorses completely.

Attention logo

So, make sure that you hire a professional logo design company in the UK when it comes to the good impression and reputation of your brand in the market.

Logo design
Logo Design

What Are The 5 Principles Of An Effective Logo Design?

A good logo is distinguishing, suitable, practical, visual, and straightforward in design, and it expresses the owner’s desired message. A successful logo generally has an idea or “meaning” behind it that conveys the desired message. A logo should be printable at any size and, in most situations, effective without color. Check out the 5 principles of Logo design by the provider of the best Logo Design in the UK.


Your logo should be immediately recognizable at a glance. Allow for size and color variations. Good logos give something surprising and are one-of-a-kind without being too complex.

Starbucks’ emblem is well-known all over the globe. The story behind the Starbucks logo distinguishes it from its contemporaries. Can you think of any internationally recognized coffee brand with identification as distinct as the Starbucks logo, where the narrative and ideals permeate the identity in a straightforward manner? The logo’s execution is clear and symmetrical, and its applicability to several purposes demonstrates how easy the visual representation is.


A good logo should be memorable. Maintain a straightforward and suitable tone for the nature of the company. The Audi logo may be seen all over the world. From an early age, children play games to memorize which automobiles they recognize based on their identities.


 Logo design

A good logo should be ageless and free of trends. It should be able to withstand the test of time. What will your logo look like in ten years? The London Underground emblem has stood the test of time. The identity is almost 100 years old and has achieved international iconic status; it is still in use today.


An excellent logo may be utilized in many different sizes and colors. Your logo should be adaptable enough to display on anything from a pen to a jet. This significant physical scale in use exemplifies how an identity must operate across a broad range of collateral.


A professional logo should be functional. The logo should be suitable for the target audience. A logo for a toy store, for example, maybe colorful and lively in its execution; but the same would not be true for a legal office.

Why is a Business Logo Design Important to Survive in The Digital Era
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Why is a Business Logo Design Important to Survive in The Digital Era?

Have you ever seen a company without a logo? Probably not. When you close your eyes and think of your favorite brand, the first thing you will visualize is a logo. Now, you might argue that if you are opening a new company why do you need a logo. After all, it’s the well-established brands whose logo we tend to remember. But don’t forget even the well-established companies and brands started somewhere and have been a small company once. So, if you are in a similar situation and hope to have a successful company of your own, we will tell you why business logo design is so important in today’s digital era.

It will tell what your company is about

A business logo design tells a lot about your company. Not only you should do it to mark your ownership, but it will also give your customers an idea about your company. Whether you print it on your business cards, your products, or your website, your potential customers will be able to know your mark of ownership.

It will attract new customers

Customers always get interested the most in pictures, especially the colorful ones. A business logo design can have the capability to attract viewers to an interesting design and color. If they get interested in the logo design, they will also want to know about the company and the products. Once interested in the product, they might even end up buying the product.

It will make you different from your competitors

Naturally, if you are opening a new company, then you will definitely have a lot of competitors. With the help of a good business logo design, you will be able to distinguish your business from your competitors in your customers’ minds.

It will bring brand loyalty to your customers

Loyal customers or returning customers are the ones who help you in growing your business. The more they will come back, the more your company’s brand value will increase. In such cases, a familiar and attractive logo will help your customer come back again and again if they remember your logo design. Building brand loyalty with a business logo design is quite helpful.

It can be placed everywhere

A smart and good-quality logo design can be placed everywhere. You can include it in your marketing, products, social media, and anywhere else to advertise your brand.

Therefore, make sure you get a very good quality business logo design in the UK from a professional and you will be able to launch your own company.

animated logo design
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6 Ways To Use Logo Animation

Animated logos are the trend now. They can help you stand out in the crowd. They show off the character of companies and transfer certain messages for attracting customers. In fact, a lot of big and small companies in the UK have already come in touch with professional logo animation designers to get one done for them. Let’s see how an animated logo can be best used for your benefit.

Company website:

company website


You can use your animated logo on the homepage of your website. Header logo is the best place for this. This would not only enhance your site’s image but would also boost the SEO. When visitors will visit your site they will watch your logo animation and stay there for a while, which would have a big impact on ranking your website in the SERPs. But make sure the animated logo is not distracting or annoying your viewers – there should not be a continuous motion. It should play through only once & then stop.

Email signatures:

When it comes to business communication especially in B2B businesses, email still happens to be the most used method. But still, instead of making the email signatures a bit more interesting, it is the same dull information with names, job titles, and static logos that are used right at the bottom of the screen. They have become so samey that ignoring them has become very easy. It’s only if you use an animated logo that it would spice up the email signature & drive recipients to have a second look. So, don’t give a second thought now – just change your email signature by first getting the logo animation done by a professional in the UK.

Promo videos:

promo video images

Video marketing is the craze and with it, there has been an increase in the competition as well. So to make your video more engrossing and professional, putting your brand’s animated logo in the beginning and at the end of the video isn’t a bad idea at all. It can help build brand recognition and send the message of ownership.

Trade shows:

trade shows

In trade shows, you can meet your potential customers’ F2F and increase the awareness of your brand. These kinds of events happen to be quite fast-paced with lots of things taking place. Attendees generally don’t seem to remember every brand that they have met. The ones that stick in their minds are those that happen to be a bit different – for example, a screen exhibiting their brand’s animated logo. In fact, trade show exhibitors also agree that these kinds of things do attract their attendees more than giveaways.


presentation image

Presentations are also a way of showing off your brand to your target audience in real-time. So, you can also use this place to impress your audience with your animated logo. In fact, you never know – maybe your presentation can become more memorable for the logo that you have shown off!

Social media:

social media images

You can use logo animation on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. These sites have become more of a visual platform nowadays and marketers are using more visual assets while promoting on social media. So when it comes to visual content, what’s more, used are videos – video trumps all others. Social media sites are also becoming crowded day by day. Marketers to make their posts stand out in the crowd are using animated logos. Animated logos are increasing in popularity day by day. Because they can also be converted to GIFs and be used as effective material for social posts. So, if you haven’t animated your logo yet, get one done by a professional who is an expert in logo design in the UK and see what wonders it can bring in social media for your brand.

When getting the logo animated by a professional designer, don’t forget to keep in mind a few things like analyzing your business goals, conducting user research, creating an animation that would make your users surprised, and keeping it short.

Logo Design London
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Logo Designs In UK: Top Brands That Use Optical Illusions In Their Logos

Optical illusions baffle the best of us. When we talk of optical illusions, it’s always more than what meets the eye. Did you know that most popular brands use optical illusions in their logo designs to make it more appealing and offbeat?


Since GB Logo Design is all about logos and graphics, here we present the names of some top brands that use optical illusions in their logo designs. So without wasting another moment, let’s take a brief look at those big brands’ logo designs, shall we?


Get a customized business card design from GB Logo Design, the leading logo design provider in the UK.




LG-Logo Designs In UK


We all love electronics by the brand, LG. LG is a reliable South-Korean multinational brand that has been selling electronic goods to consumers in the UK since ages. The logo design of LG is an interesting one. Upon close observation, we find two optical illusions – one is of the power button and the second resembles the smile of a happy client.






Toyota is a Japanese multinational automobile company that has been catering to the automotive needs of people in the UK for years. Almost a majority of us recognize Toyota’s logo design. So what optical illusion Toyota’s logo design is hiding? When you look deeply, you might see the entire name of the brand T-O-Y-O-T-A inside the circles.






Almost everyone has used courier services offered by FedEx once in their lifetime. FedEx is an American-based multinational delivery services provider that promises to deliver goods safely and on time. If you look properly into FedEx logo, you will find a white arrow that symbolizes speed and direction and this is exactly what FedEx claims. So, do you find this optical illusion cool? Reply in the comments section.






NBC is an American TV show channel that provides awesome programmes for the world to see. Since NBC is so amazing and loved, so is their logo design. NBC too has used an optical illusion in their logo. Can you catch that? Well, the different coloured leaves in NBC’s logo resemble feathers of a peacock.


So, which above-mentioned brands’ optical illusion you liked the most and why? Let us know in the comments section below.


Avail premium and affordable graphic design services only from GB Logo Design, the best graphic design services provider in the UK.


Get custom and professional logo designs from expert logo designers of the best logo design firm in the UK.

Logo Design London
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Why Mascot Brand Logos are the best!

When it comes to brand logos, creativity is the key. When it comes to creativity, Mascot says the last word! Mascot logos are quirky and cartoon-like characters that become the identity of the brand. They help in increasing brand awareness and reaching the target audience in a much better way than any other logo design. Common examples of brands with Mascot logos are – Pillsbury, Kellogg’s, Duracell, Mr Muscle, KFC, etc.


Today,GB Logo Designs UK will tell you about the various advantages of a Mascot brand logo and why they are the best. So, let’s get started.

Unique Recognition

Unique Recognition-Mascot Brand Logos


All brand logos are undoubtedly different but mascot logo designs surely take the cake for giving the brand a unique recognition. Mascot logos are easier to recognize due to their unique identity.

High Personalization

High Personalization


Mascot logo designs add a personal touch to the brand. Mascots directly communicate with the customers and audiences’ which indirectly works in the favour of the companies. People become personally attached with the mascot which enhances the brand’s goodwill.

Cool Brand Ambassador

Cool Brand Ambassador


Who says only famous celebrities can become brand ambassadors! Did you forget our cute little Poppin’ Fresh? Yes, we are talking about the Pillsbury Doughboy who is no less than a brand ambassador for the dessert company. So, indeed, mascots make excellent brand ambassadors.

Universal Appeal

Universal Appeal


Mascots have a huge fanbase that includes people of different age groups. If you want your brand to have a mass appeal then consider a mascot logo design.

Brand’s Image Builder

Brand’s Image Builder


Mascots help in amplifying the brand’s image. They create a positive and trustworthy image of the brand which helps in the long run.

Super Attractive


How can someone not consider mascot logos attractive? Mascot logos have their own aesthetic appeal which is highly loved and appreciated by the consumers or customers. Mascots are cute and peppy, thus they are more popular among the young audience.


If you need a professional logo design for your company, visit GB Log Design, Best Logo Design UK.

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Looking For A Unique Logo Design? Use These Tips To Select The Best

Tips To Select The Best Logo Design Styles

Business owners in the present competitive industry environment know for a fact that their business and brand requires a unique personality for standing out against the competitors. For this logo design has become one of the most preferred options for businesses. Businesses from all over the globe prefer a unique and good logo and as a result, several logo design companies have emerged over the years. Several companies provide services for Logo Design in UK as new businesses are fast and emerging across the region. At the same time, it is essential to understand the various types of logo design so that the best style and design of the logo is created aligning with the business needs.

Popular Business Logo Design Styles

Mascot Logo

Mascot Logo Design- GB Logo Design UK

In this type of logo, images of a specific person, imaginary or an animal is established as focal point. For instance, KFC logo is a mascot logo. While this logo type is recognized easy and appropriate for online promotions, this logo is difficult when printing on promotional items as the design is complex.

Read More: 6 Splendid Mascot Logo Designs That Make Every Business in UK Want One

Abstract Mark

Abstract Logo Design- GB Logo Design UK

Abstract logo is becoming popular these days. While being abstract in nature, the logo sends specific message to its audience related to product or service. Example is Dropbox. However, these designs are more suitable for tech firms, global designs as unsuccessful design might create dissonance among consumers.

Combination Mark

Combination Mark

Combination logo is also popular as it comprises of both icon and words. Majority of the popular designs have both these factors which help in better recognition of the brand. This logo style is appropriate for new ventures and businesses as it helps in establishing image and creates awareness with brand name.

Read More: Custom Logo Designs and The Art of Brand Identity

Emblem Logo

Emblem Logo Design - GB Logo Design UK

This type of logo is more classic in approach. These types of logos are prepared with simple shapes, icon and right colours. This type of logo is good for businesses which specific colour patterns and businesses should always opt for experts when creating this type of logo.

Lettermark Logo

Lettermark Logo Design UK - GB Logo Design

Many top organizations have lettermark logo as they are unique logo designs which establish a unique personality for the brand. Another advantage of this type of logo is that it can be easily prepared with logo-maker software, is readable and memorable. However, taking help from experts is advisable.


Read More: Amazing Lettermark Logos That Instantly Speaks For Itself 


To understand what logo and design suits best for the business, it is essential to take expert help. While many companies provide logo design in UK, only few of them have the right credibility, expertise and experience which can help a business succeed in establishing the right logo for their business.

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Custom Logo Designs and The Art of Brand Identity

Custom logo designs and the art of Brand Identity - GB Logo Designs

The rate of competition across any market has increased significantly now-a-days. In order to achieve success, organizations need to ensure that their businesses stand out and are identified by the target audiences. In such situations, custom logo designs can be extremely useful. UK is a hub for logo designs but the best Custom logo design in UK will help its clients in achieving business goals and generating long-term returns. A custom logo design will provide a ‘face’ and specific identity for an organization and will help in creating a separate brand awareness. Below are some of the major benefits which clearly establish the importance of custom logo design.

Supports creation of brand identity

Personalities are not meant only for individuals. Even organizations and businesses should have unique personality for establishing market awareness. Apart from enhancing customer loyalty, creative custom logo will also help the organization in developing distinctive culture and create strong customer impression.

Increase business credibility

High-quality logos can help organizations establish credibility. Consumers often prefer those brands or items which are considered superior over others. A quality and unique logo with original packaging will surely portray professionalism and quality, increasing the customer preference.

Custom logo is memorable

Custom logo is memorable

Studies have confirmed that images are better remembered by people than words. As such, customers will have better memory of a creative logo, even if customers forget the company’s name. This is an extremely positive experience as the customers will be able to identify the brand.

Custom logo design provides marketing advantage

Custom logo design provides marketing advantage

Creative custom logo design can be utilized for establishing marketing advantage. Attaching the logo to company products, merchandise and other items can significantly help in improving awareness and can act as a marketing and sales strategy.

Custom logo sends out specific message

Custom logo sends out specific message

A custom logo can help in depicting the vision and long-term views of an organization. A brand can be represented artfully which will convey the message associated with the organization.


A custom logo design can make or break the identity of an organization. As a result, it is important to hire only professional logo designers or custom logo design in UK. Every detail associated with the design such as icon, color, layout and font will matter in establishing the right face for the brand. Choosing experienced and credible logo design company is essential so that the design is aesthetic and meaningful.