Logo Design

10 Viral Logo Design Trends in the UK
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10 Viral Logo Design Trends to Watch Out for Businesses in the UK

Since a logo works as the countenance of any brand or company, it is necessary to ensure that the logo is presented up-to-date to current logo design standards. To impress the target audience with professionalism, keeping up the brand with what is most recent in style and taste, and incorporating the latest trends into the brand identity without losing its uniqueness is way more essential than anything else! Now, what apparently represents a brand and builds up brand identity? Of course, a trendy business logo design in the UK. However, in our latest blog post, we will explore 10 viral logo design trends that are ruling businesses in the UK this year.

10 Logo Design Trends that are being viral in the UK

  • Simplification and Minimalism Logo Trend: Do you know that clean and minimalist logos are becoming increasingly popular this year? Simple business logo designs with a focus on essential elements and negative space are these days being vividly used to create highly memorable and versatile logos for brands and companies.
  • Geometric-Shaped Logo Trend: Just like minimalist logo trends, geometric-shaped trends are being incorporated into logo designs to convey structure, stability, and modernity. Apart from that, these typical geometric shapes can add a sense of balance and professionalism to a brand’s identity and make it remarkable to the target audience.
  • Gradient and Colour Transition Logo Trend: If you are in the field of logo design, then you must be well acquainted with the fact that the use of gradients and colour transitions is on the rise, particularly in this ongoing year. Also, note that these techniques can add potential depth and visual interest to logos, making them stand out and appear dynamic.
  • Hand-Drawn Element Logo Trend: Hand-drawn elements, whether they are illustrative icons or custom typography, are nowadays being used to create a more personal and unique touch to brand identities and brand reputations.
  • Responsive Logo Trend: With the increasing prevalence of digital platforms, brand logos that could adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions are becoming more important with every passing day. However, responsive logos also ensure a consistent brand presence across various devices.
  • Negative Space Logo Trend: Did you know earlier that the clever use of negative space can create hidden elements or meanings within a logo? However, the use of negative space can create a logo design more engaging and memorable for viewers who discover the hidden imagery behind that.
  • Vintage and Retro Revival Logo Trend: Certain dynamic nostalgic designs inspired by past eras are highly being used to evoke a sense of authenticity and timelessness, especially for brands or companies targeting specific audiences or industries for businesses.
  • Custom Typography Logo Trend: Custom, handcrafted typography is nowadays being employed to give logos a distinct and original look in order to stand out from generic fonts as well.
  • Muted and Earthy Coloured Logo Trend: Subdued and earthy colour palettes are gradually gaining more popularity. However, this logo design trend in the UK reflects a desire for authenticity, sustainability, and a connection to nature.


  • Monochromatic Design Logo Trend: A renowned logo design company in the UK opines that utilizing a single colour or shades of the same colour in a brand logo can create an ultimate sophisticated and timeless look. However, monochromatic logos are often versatile and suitable for a wide range of industries.


To conclude, it is way more essential to note that these viral logo design trends can be evolved or replaced by new ones at any time. Therefore, to get the most current insights into professional logo design trends for businesses in the UK, we would always recommend consulting with professional logo designers who are up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of logo design in the UK.

You can tailor your logo design for your specific business, industry, and target audience with the help of the professionals at GB Logo Design, a dynamic hub for creating bespoke logo designs in the UK.

Logo Design UK
Logo Design

What To Consider When Creating A Brand Logo Design?

Brands or companies all over the globe, need to fight harder to be ahead of their contemporaries in the market. For that, professional brands or companies tend to apply suitable marketing tactics to target significant groups of customers. But did you know that a professional logo design plays a vital role in branding any small to large businesses in the UK? So, it is way more essential to take the importance of a brand logo design into serious consideration. It is not just a piece of creative work, rather, it is bigger than it! Therefore, while creating a brand logo design, a logo design expert in UK must consider some basic points like –

Researching the client’s business:

Before you start working on a brand logo, you must research your client’s business thoroughly. This is because you are designing that logo for your client’s business and not for yourself. So, it would not be easier for you to pick the proper font and color for your brand logo if you are not aware of the target audience of the brand. So, avoid designing a brand logo directionless and research the market of the brand you are working for at the very beginning.

Avoid rushing behind the trends:

Amateur or not-so-professional logo designers who often provide logo design services in UK tend to follow the trends of logo design. If you do the same, probably, you will fail miserably to impress your client. Logo designs should never rely on trends. Trends come and go but what remains is the class. So, while you design a brand logo, maintain the class and make it timeless which can last for decades.

Taking scalability into consideration:

A business logo is used in a number of various platforms like social media handles, business cards, banners, and more. So, when you make a brand logo design, make sure that it does not lose its sense of proportion. A business logo should be versatile so that it can be used on small to large things. Make it proportionate and scalable from each and every angle to look properly and become visible clearly.

Do you want to know more about the major considerations of logo design and make your brand logo stand out in the crowd of your competitors? Visit any renowned logo design services in UK. Otherwise, you can also get your business logo designed by the experts at GB Logo Design.

Top 3 Alluring Logo Design Fonts for 2023
Logo Design

Top 3 Alluring Logo Design Fonts for 2023

In the field of logo design in the UK, every year the trend for logo design fonts changes. The change in the taste of logo designs for people does not get overlooked by professional logo designers. According to what people are preferring, logo designers make brand logos to impress folks. However, let us explore the whole-new 2023 trends for logo design fonts to pen down the next chapter in graphic design. Whatever the reason is, according to the professionals of most business logo design services in the UK, 2023 is certainly going to be another dynamic year for logo design font trends!

Here are 3 attractive logo design font trends for 2023 –

Liquid chrome:

Graphic designers this year have been prioritizing the emergence of 3D graphics. Therefore, renowned logo designers are looking for incorporating melting 3D shapes or fonts into the latest logo designs. This logo design font trend has been characterized by the mingling of realism and abstraction. This is why the font flaunts both 3D rendering and absolutely formless liquidity. Although apparently, this font looks messy, it is at the same time, enough technologically impressive in 2023.


Vintage narrow sheriffs:

Last year, there was a craze for bubbly and rounded type fonts for logo designs. But this year, the focus has been shifted to a little grown-up font style – like the vintage narrow sheriffs. This font style has typically inspired by the 80s fashion magazines. However, in 2023, graphic designers are paying homage to this golden age font style. This font style is purely timeless and classic. Therefore, when this font is incorporated, it gives an elegant touch to a logo design.


Iconographic mashups:

A lot of logo designers have already been seen to restyle typographies by incorporating icons, doodle art, and abstract shapes into the fonts. It might look weird apparently, but graphic designers these days are making sure that they look more joyful, youthful, and rebellious at times. Even though this font style is quite out of typical rules, this delivers a way more energetic look to any logo design in 2023. Due to its chaotic flavor that rejects uniformity, audiences are liking this font style for logo designs this year.


Do you want a logo design packed with any of these font styles to represent your brand? Our exceptionally talented designers at GB Logo Design, a renowned logo design agency in the UK will make it perfect for your brand.

Pay Attention To The 4 Dos And Don’ts Of Logo Designing
Logo Design

Pay Attention To The 4 Dos And Don’ts Of Logo Designing

If you close your eyes and think of the globally-acclaimed brand name Apple, what you do see? It has to be the iconic logo that consists of a bitten fruit (apple) in it. Don’t you? Here lies the success of the logo design that has made the Apple company recognizable to the entire world from just a simple visual representation. This immediate recognition of any business logo design is considered to be the ‘Holy Grail’ by a majority of brand owners. But how does a single piece of art make brand recognition to a vast population around the globe? The task is not at all easy as it seems to be. The highest-rated business logo design company in the UK follows 4 major dos and don’ts while making brand logo designs for clients. Read on to learn –

Do make research on the target audience:

Before you start designing a business logo, you must invest some time to make a thorough research on the target audience of that brand or company. Research on the target audience will make you understand what your audience wants. So, understanding your potential customer’s requirements will make this task of tailoring a brand logo design simple and easy for you.


Do keep the logo design simple yet impressive:

When it comes to making a brand logo design, simplicity turns out to be the best. A too much-complicated logo design will fail to evoke interest in the target audience. As a result, they might overlook your brand. At the same time, putting too many details in a logo design can make it blurry.


Don’t follow the latest trend:

Following the trend in logo designing can make you throw out of the competitive market very soon. This is because trends come and go and last for a little while. Rather, not following any sort of trend and going classic and timeless will never make your business logo design outdated in the market of UK.


Don’t use bountiful colors:

The selection of colors when it comes to incorporating into a brand logo design is pretty vital. Apparently, it may seem to be so easy but a lot of factors are there to keep in mind. Most importantly, you cannot make use of so many colors at a time in a single logo design. It may make a logo design look muddy, cluttered, and idiotic.


Finally, the biggest do and don’t of designing a business logo are – do hire a professional logo design company in the UK and don’t rely on cheap logo design services that may ruin your brand reputability.

Logo design colors tips on how to choose
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Logo Design Colors – Tips on how to choose

Choosing the right colors is one of the most important decisions when it comes to making a distinctive brand logo design. The right selection of colors emphasizes in a variety of advantages in your business by attracting potential customers to the brand. However, in many instances, unsuccessful color palettes have done just the opposite of that. So, now is the time to learn how to choose the proper colors for making a brand logo design. Below, the most reputable logo design service in the UK is going to reveal some useful tips to help select appropriate color palettes for your logo.

Analyze industry-specific color trends:

The foremost task while choosing the color palettes for your brand logo design, is to understand from which sector it belongs. Depending on the popularity and market condition of the particular color, you need to choose colors for that particular brand. For that, you need to research the prevailing color trends in that sector. For an instance, green commonly is used in environment-specific industries.


Do not underestimate the black-and-white magic in a logo design:

Did you know that some of the world’s most iconic brand logo designs are made in purely monochrome? The combination of black and white can create a powerful piece of graphic design that makes a stark contrast among customary color palettes. However, you must keep in mind that you need to think extensively about how you can convey the meaning of the logo by removing all colors when you want to make a logo design in a black-and-white combination.


Use colors to control people’s moods:

You can simply invoke the emotions of your target audience with the right color selection. So, you need to understand what colors can easily make people overwhelmed by a brand. Example –

Red is a color that is pretty bold and yellow is something that makes people energetic shortly. So, the iconic logo design of McDonald’s has followed this scheme to attract the young crowd with enthusiasm and a feeling of happiness and joy.


However, skillful planning and execution of the right colors are key to the ultimate achievement of a particular brand logo when it comes to its advertisement. So, it is very much important to choose the appropriate colors carefully. Craft your brand logo with the help of any reputable Business Logo Design service in the UK.

4 quintessential principles of spectacular logo designs
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4 Quintessential Principles Of Spectacular Logo Designs

A logo design is such a powerful piece of graphic design that has a lot to do for any brand or company. A logo design holds a massive responsibility to portray a positive impression of a particular brand or company. So, when an expert designs a logo, he/she becomes very much particular about its outcome. Fortunately, there are some useful principles that can make this task easier. Let GB Logo Design, a professional logo design service in the UK discuss 4 principles of making absolutely kick-ass logo designs.


If you look at the most popular brand logo designs, you can observe that all logos that have been successful and vividly appreciated are typically simple. Logo designers often make business logos simple as they use brand logos on different platforms, and in different sizes. So, if a logo design is complicated, the fine details inside the logo will certainly be lost. So, to make it understandable to each and every one, brand logos are usually simple.


The purpose of having a good logo design is to make it easier to recall the brand name. So, a business logo has to be memorable to the target audience. People usually, do not remember the brand name or more details about that, what they remember is the logo design. So, the symbol, font, and color for the logo design should be memorable.

Modern and classic:

A design can seem to be modern today but may not seem the same tomorrow. So, when making business logo designs, they need to be timeless. Undoubtedly, there should be several modern touches, yet business logo designs should be classic. And, they remain timeless for years to compete with the contemporaries.


A logo design needs to be well-balanced in proportion and symmetry. Remember that a logo should serve its purpose in all possible situations. So, A well-balanced logo design maintains its aesthetic and quality to fit everywhere perfectly.

So, for your logo, hire a logo design service in the UK that understands the value of your brand. Professionals always make a logo design meaningful to your clients from every possible aspect.

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK
Logo Design

Pros Of Hiring A Professional Logo Design Service In The UK

Most common folks cannot design an appropriate logo design for any brand or company as designing professional logos is not an easy task. Remember that all great logo designs are most likely to be simple, memorable, and unique at the same time. Since a well-designed logo is meant to be the face of your brand across all marketing platforms, you might need to hire a professional logo design service in the UK to get the desired outcome. For example, at GB Logo Design, highly professional and expert designers have the skill to design a logo that can instill confidence and be trustworthy in front of your target audience.

Now, let’s explore some pros of seeking help from a professional logo design service in the UK

A logo with a professional look:

Remember that the first impressions last for a long time. Amidst the ever-growing market with thousands of brands surfacing in the limelight each day, it really requires a good logo to hook potential customers to your brand just in the first few seconds. The colour, font, size, and style come together to represent your brand to the audience. So, hiring a professional logo design company in the UK gives you peace of mind as you get the best design and look of a logo. Besides, they are able to perfectly incorporate the key message of your brand in the logo to connect with your customers.

Professional Logo


A logo with proper concept and strategy:

The main aim of designing a logo for your brand or company is to create massive brand awareness. Besides, a logo should be used as a tool to increase visibility and raise the credibility of a particular brand. Therefore, it is preferable to hire a professional logo design company in the UK that understands your brand and portrays the philosophy of your business. Note that every business has certain images that are mainly related to a specific industry and professional logo designers use them to their advantage to stand above the market competition. This very strategy behind designing the logo is to make it unique and memorable as well.

Concept and Strategy logo

A logo that catches customers’ attention:

There are two types of attention – the good one and the bad one. Like all brands, your brand also needs the attention that is positive. Hence, a professionally-designed good logo with proper meaning and a perfect explanation of the brand and tagline is imperative for your brand. In short, there is the only way to get a logo so good and attractive is when it is professionally designed and sticks in the customer’s mind, and endorses completely.

Attention logo

So, make sure that you hire a professional logo design company in the UK when it comes to the good impression and reputation of your brand in the market.

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Logo Design

The Function Of Logo Design To Develop A Corporate Identity

A logo is better known as a visual depiction of branding and a typical graphic symbol of your brand identity. An amazing logo design recognizes the brand and gets it registered in the mindset of the target audience. Investing time and money in making a creative logo design ensures an attractive appearance that provides cohesion and consistency to your brand or company. However, that is the power of a robust logo design for the development of your brand identity. Let GB Logo Design, a reputed and highly Professional Logo Design agency in the UK discuss the indispensable function of a logo design for building brand awareness.

Grabs attention:

An eye-catching logo can quickly grab the attention of the viewers and communicate a company’s core values in a totally unique and interesting way. That short attention span – the one that causes the audience to judge your business by its appearance, can work to your advantage if you have a dynamic logo design to speak on behalf of your company.

Grabs Attention

Creates strong first impression:

If you are a business owner, you must know that a logo is a company’s first introduction to the target audience. If designed perfectly, a logo can pique the interest of consumers and invite them to learn more about the brand or company. However, this first impression is your way to immediately communicate ownership over the products you sell.

First Impression

Considered being the foundation of brand identity:

Did you know that successful branding is all about telling a story that will influence the emotions of the audience? And, also it is true that a well-designed logo is not only a part of a company’s brand, but it serves as the foundation for the entire narrative on which the brand is built upon.

Brand Identity

Separates from contemporaries:

Note that your brand should be different from your logo because your company logo tells the audience why your business is unique and special. In a nutshell, it can be said that your logo is an outstanding forum to both convey your values and show the target audience why you are not like your competitors and why you are better.


So, as you can see, you need a logo, it is a crucial part of building a successful business and brand. However, designing a professional logo design does not need to be complicated, so to avoid confusion, contact a Professional Logo Design agency in the UK.

Stationery Design
Logo Design

5 Major Reasons Why Business Cards Are Important

Since the early fifteenth century, business cards have already been around in some form or another. Therefore, it is not a new concept in the field of commerce or business. People tend to use business cards to introduce themselves and their businesses to potential clients. However, anyone can assume the immense importance of having business cards when it comes to growing and developing a new or existing business. Let this blog brought to you by one of the most recommended Stationery Design Services in the UK reveal 5 major reasons why business cards are way more important these days.

Promotes a business


Promoting a business through its business cards in the easiest way ever. This is because a business card is an efficient option to deliver your contact and other necessary information. It simply does not matter how you design your business cards, all the important details the customers or clients need will certainly be there on your cards.

Enhances brand awareness


Business cards always work as an extension of your brand. For instance, a business card holds a company’s logo on it and as we all know, a logo is the countenance of a company as it helps to enhance brand awareness. Even, one can add the tagline of a brand on the business cards in order to separate it from its competitors.

Leads to new client referrals


Literally, nobody ever knows when a single business card may lead to a new client referral. If your business card lets people know what your business is all about along with the expertise you offer to your customers, they might refer you when asked for a serious business recommendation.

Builds up trust


A business card can contribute a lot when it comes to promoting and building up trust. This is because a business is potential enough to boost up the credibility of a brand or business. A properly-designed professional business card evokes trust in any work culture.

Creates a quick positive first impression


Every professional business card grabs the attention of its target customers. An eye-catching well-planned business card catches everyone’s attention and fosters a favourable impression of a business. Moreover, it makes a brand more recognizable to its potential customers.

Now that the importance of having business cards is all clear, and if you are looking for great design ideas to create your professional business cards, you can contact the expert designers of GB Logo Design, one of the renowned Stationery Design Services in the UK.