“So many people spend their health to gaining wealth and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health”


As A.J. Reb Materi once said, treasuring health should be a priority because if it is too late, no wealth can buy it back.


The number of individuals suffering from mental and physical challenges is increasing day by day, all over the world. As we recently observed the International Yoga Day, we present 6 custom logo designs done by the house of GB Logo Design for businesses thriving to make and keep people healthy and fit.


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1. Practical Yoga


The logo of Practical Yoga is self-explanatory. The logo comprises of the icon of a woman stretching hands and feet in a basic yoga pose. It is painted in three colors namely, red, orange and white. The colors evoke awareness, calming effect and peace respectively. A simple and practical logo for a business well suited!


2. Reallife Fitness


The logo for this bodybuilding gym is a rather simple one. The logo comprised of the business name threaded along with a barbell. Even though it is made with extremely simple icons, the logo is self-explanatory and stands alone among the competitors.


3. Empower


The business of Empower thrives to boost fitness and rehabilitation to people out there. The logo comprises of an icon of heart, with a heartbeat, encircled by a continuous circle depicting the never-ending circle of life. The logo is painted with pink color, which evokes care, compassion, and love, making it prioritizes health.


4. M3 Fitness


The name of this fitness center is interesting and surely we had to deliver an equally interesting logo as well. The logo we delivered was wisely created with a simple icon of a man and the letters ‘m3’. Note the 3 has been blended perfectly with the human icon to give it the look of an arm and a limb, mimicking motions while running.


5. MK Fitness


The MK fitness center is dedicated to the people who love to shape their body in a great way. As people need to work hard using gym equipment a lot in order to get such great bodies, we went with the icon of a kettlebell for the logo. The choice of dumbbell was considered as well, but it is the first choice of an icon for a lot of fitness centers as well, so kettlebell suited more.


6. MW Holmes


Not every fitness center helps to build biceps and abs. The MW Holmes is a fitness and therapy center that helps the people to resume a normal healthy life ahead. The elements of hearts and sapling, painted in pink and green depicts the emotions of care and wellbeing.


Are you dedicated to enhancing health and well-being of people through fitness centers as well? Get your very own custom logo design and boost your enthusiasm even more.