stationery design services UK

From attending any business conference to joining any corporate meetup, participants still exchange business cards. In spite of the procreation and expansion of digital communications, business cards still play a significant role in face-to-face business settings. An attractive business card help draw the attention of the recipient and increase the corporate networks more effectively. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your business cards are designed in a way that can easily reflect the value of your brand or company. However, today’s blog, brought to you by the professionals of one of the most reliable stationery design services in UK will reveal 6 pro tips so that your business cards attract potential clients and generate more leads.

Stationery Design Services UK

How to make amazing business card designs?

It is an undeniable fact that business cards are an indispensable part of your business. So, bear in mind the following 6 points when designing business cards for any brand or company –

  1. Include only what is important: Including unnecessary information in a business card can make it look clumsy. So, to pique the interest of the card recipient, only the necessary and important information should be added to the business cards. For example, an ideal business card should contain the name of the brand, official email address, phone number, available social media handles, the brand logo, etc.
  2. Finalize the right size and shape of your cards: Determining the size and shape of your business card will certainly help you understand how much information you can put in your business cards. Let us explain in a bit more detail – standard business cards are usually rectangular and almost about the size of a credit card. Renowned stationery design services in the UK are accustomed to this shape and size and therefore, they are considered to be safe choices. Yet, if you want to create something out of the box, you can go for a square shape with round corners.
  3. Use an appropriate font: If you want your business card recipient to be able to read the information on your business card, you need to make sure that the font that you use in your business card is appropriate. For instance, the right font for your business card should not be too small, too fancy, and distorted. To keep your text simple and straightforward, you must choose a font that is easily readable.
  4. Maximize your brand logo design: More or less we all know that a logo works as the visual representation of a brand itself. Therefore, as a crucial part of your brand, the logo design deserves a prominent place in your business card in order to instantly grab the attention of potential clients. As your business cards are one of the most important parts of your visual branding, maximize your brand logo design to give them a more polished and professional look.
  5. Leave some white space: As we have already mentioned earlier, putting too much information or text may clutter your business card apparently. If there are too many things on a business card, nothing will stand out in the eyes of the recipients. If you want to design-wise, leave some white space on your business cards as white spaces are too easy for the eyes. Besides, they help in drawing the attention of the readers with a lasting impression.
  6. Proofread your text several times: Last but not least, proofreading your work before sending that to your client is very much important. See, if there is any misspelling or any wrong positioning of words in the text of your business card. Remember that a business card represents an entire brand or company. Therefore, any wrong spelling or word application can instantly destroy the reputation of the brand. So, be aware and proofread multiple times.

However, if you want to make classy designs for your business cards to represent your brand, look no further than GB Logo Design. It provides exceptional stationery design services in UK. So, for getting creative logo designs to business card designs for your company, get in touch with the professionals at GB Logo Design today!