If you close your eyes and think of the globally-acclaimed brand name Apple, what you do see? It has to be the iconic logo that consists of a bitten fruit (apple) in it. Don’t you? Here lies the success of the logo design that has made the Apple company recognizable to the entire world from just a simple visual representation. This immediate recognition of any business logo design is considered to be the ‘Holy Grail’ by a majority of brand owners. But how does a single piece of art make brand recognition to a vast population around the globe? The task is not at all easy as it seems to be. The highest-rated business logo design company in the UK follows 4 major dos and don’ts while making brand logo designs for clients. Read on to learn –
Do make research on the target audience:
Before you start designing a business logo, you must invest some time to make a thorough research on the target audience of that brand or company. Research on the target audience will make you understand what your audience wants. So, understanding your potential customer’s requirements will make this task of tailoring a brand logo design simple and easy for you.
Do keep the logo design simple yet impressive:
When it comes to making a brand logo design, simplicity turns out to be the best. A too much-complicated logo design will fail to evoke interest in the target audience. As a result, they might overlook your brand. At the same time, putting too many details in a logo design can make it blurry.
Don’t follow the latest trend:
Following the trend in logo designing can make you throw out of the competitive market very soon. This is because trends come and go and last for a little while. Rather, not following any sort of trend and going classic and timeless will never make your business logo design outdated in the market of UK.
Don’t use bountiful colors:
The selection of colors when it comes to incorporating into a brand logo design is pretty vital. Apparently, it may seem to be so easy but a lot of factors are there to keep in mind. Most importantly, you cannot make use of so many colors at a time in a single logo design. It may make a logo design look muddy, cluttered, and idiotic.
Finally, the biggest do and don’t of designing a business logo are – do hire a professional logo design company in the UK and don’t rely on cheap logo design services that may ruin your brand reputability.