animated logo design

Animated logos are the trend now. They can help you stand out in the crowd. They show off the character of companies and transfer certain messages for attracting customers. In fact, a lot of big and small companies in the UK have already come in touch with professional logo animation designers to get one done for them. Let’s see how an animated logo can be best used for your benefit.

Company website:

company website


You can use your animated logo on the homepage of your website. Header logo is the best place for this. This would not only enhance your site’s image but would also boost the SEO. When visitors will visit your site they will watch your logo animation and stay there for a while, which would have a big impact on ranking your website in the SERPs. But make sure the animated logo is not distracting or annoying your viewers – there should not be a continuous motion. It should play through only once & then stop.

Email signatures:

When it comes to business communication especially in B2B businesses, email still happens to be the most used method. But still, instead of making the email signatures a bit more interesting, it is the same dull information with names, job titles, and static logos that are used right at the bottom of the screen. They have become so samey that ignoring them has become very easy. It’s only if you use an animated logo that it would spice up the email signature & drive recipients to have a second look. So, don’t give a second thought now – just change your email signature by first getting the logo animation done by a professional in the UK.

Promo videos:

promo video images

Video marketing is the craze and with it, there has been an increase in the competition as well. So to make your video more engrossing and professional, putting your brand’s animated logo in the beginning and at the end of the video isn’t a bad idea at all. It can help build brand recognition and send the message of ownership.

Trade shows:

trade shows

In trade shows, you can meet your potential customers’ F2F and increase the awareness of your brand. These kinds of events happen to be quite fast-paced with lots of things taking place. Attendees generally don’t seem to remember every brand that they have met. The ones that stick in their minds are those that happen to be a bit different – for example, a screen exhibiting their brand’s animated logo. In fact, trade show exhibitors also agree that these kinds of things do attract their attendees more than giveaways.


presentation image

Presentations are also a way of showing off your brand to your target audience in real-time. So, you can also use this place to impress your audience with your animated logo. In fact, you never know – maybe your presentation can become more memorable for the logo that you have shown off!

Social media:

social media images

You can use logo animation on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. These sites have become more of a visual platform nowadays and marketers are using more visual assets while promoting on social media. So when it comes to visual content, what’s more, used are videos – video trumps all others. Social media sites are also becoming crowded day by day. Marketers to make their posts stand out in the crowd are using animated logos. Animated logos are increasing in popularity day by day. Because they can also be converted to GIFs and be used as effective material for social posts. So, if you haven’t animated your logo yet, get one done by a professional who is an expert in logo design in the UK and see what wonders it can bring in social media for your brand.

When getting the logo animated by a professional designer, don’t forget to keep in mind a few things like analyzing your business goals, conducting user research, creating an animation that would make your users surprised, and keeping it short.